Squad Information
SBSC has a range of squads, from entry-level Junior Dolphins through to elite National Open. We also have 2 Fitness squads (for ages 13 through to adult/masters) – one for swimmers training to compete in triathlons, surf and open waters, plus a squad for swimmers wishing to keep fit through a structured swim program.
More information about our squads, including description, prerequisites, age range, equipment, etc. can be found on our website here: Our Squads
Our current Squad Timetable for all squads can be found here: Squad Timetable
Book an Assessment
Before enrolling into one of our squads, each swimmer needs to have an assessment with one of our coaches. Bookings take place at 3:45pm Monday to Thursday at Scarborough Beach Pool and take around 5-10 mins to complete.
Click here to book an assessment.
**Note: Social Fitness & squads members do not need to be assessed.
Coaching Team
More information on our coaching team, including photos, can be found here: Our Coaches
Our Head Coach is at the pool for most sessions.
There are 3 main fees per year:
This covers the actual swim sessions. It is charged per season (Summer Oct-Mar and Winter Apr-Sept). The fees for each squad are as follows:
Squad | Sessions/wk | Fees per month |
Dolphins | 4 x 45 min | $120 |
Junior Development | 4 x 1 hour sessions, 1 x 1.5 hour session | $130 |
Junior White | 5 x 1.5 hour sessions, 1 x 2 hour session | $155 |
Junior Blue | 5 x 1.5 hour sessions, 1 x 2 hour session | $155 |
Junior Performance | 6 x 1.5 hour sessions, 2 x 2 hour sessions | $165 |
State Age | Up to 4 x 45 min | $160 |
National Development | Up to 8 x 2-hour sessions | $182 |
National Performance | Up to 8 x 2-hour sessions | $182 |
Social Fitness | 2 x 1.5 hour sesssions, 1 x 2 hour session | $120 |
Jets Fitness | Up to 3 x 1.5 hour sessions | $120 |
For all squads:
- Invoices are sent at the start of each season and cover the entire season.
- The above coaching fees include up to the number of sessions shown on the timetable, plus complementary entry to our monthly Club Racing Nights. There is no pro rata fee option per session attended.
- The fees are set according to the cost of running the program, divided into 12 equal monthly payments. Cancelled sessions for public holidays, squad scheduled breaks, reasonable allowance for severe weather, etc. have already been considered when setting the monthly fee so no refunds are given for cancelled sessions. See fees policy for more information.
- Sessions may be held at either Churchlands SHS or Scarborough Pool. See the timetable for the venue of each session.
- You can choose to pay weekly, fortnightly, monthly or single upfront payment.
- If not paying up front, regular payments must be made monthly as a minimum. Invoices must not be left to the end of the season to pay so that the club can meet its ongoing expenses such as lane hire and coach wages.
- If you pay in full before 15th day of the 1st month of the season (i.e. by 15th April in Winter and 15th October in Summer), you will receive 5% discount.
- If you pay for the whole year (Summer+Winter seasons) up front by 15th October, you receive a 10% discount.
- Any invoices with an outstanding as at 15th of April (Winter) or 15th October (Summer) will be reverted to full rate and regular direct debits (minimum monthly) will be required. Payment in full must be made by 28th February (Summer) and 28th August (Winter).
- Full details of our Fees and Membership Policy can be found here.
This is a compulsory annual membership fee ($120) paid to the club for all members. It covers both Summer and Winter seasons (Oct – Sept). There is a $40 discount for siblings.
For Fitness Members, annual membership fee is divided into 12 equal parts and added to your monthly invoice.
Annual fee is discounted if joining between 1st March and 30th Sept as follows:
Join Date | Fee | Sibling Fee |
1st Oct – 28th Feb | 120 | 80 |
1st Mar – 31st Jul | 70 | 40 |
1st Aug – 30th Aug | 20 | 10 |
1st Sept – 15th Sept | 10 | 5 |
15th Sept – 30th Sept | Nil | Nil |
ALL members except Fitness squad members, have to be a member of Swimming WA. Membership covers all your insurances while swimming with the club. It also allows you to optionally compete in various competitions throughout the year, including open water events.
There are a number of choices for membership, depending on whether members wish to just train, compete at Club Meets or compete in Swimming WA (SWA) meets and Open Water meets.
Full details of the membership categories available can be found here:
Full Annual category is discounted if you join during the winter season. It will go back to the regular price when membership is renewed in October. No other category, e.g. social, participation, etc., is discounted.
Swimming WA membership and payment is handled directly with SWA and the club cannot sign up or collect funds on your behalf.
To become a SWA member, register with Swim Central and search for Scarborough Beach Swimming Club.
Unfortunately, pool entry fees are not included in our membership fees and need to be paid directly to the pool reception. Scarborough Beach Pool has a variety of pool entry options, including casual, multi-passes and monthly memberships. Please enquire at the reception desk for more details or visit their website: Scarborough Pool Entry Fees. Spectators are free.
How To Register with Scarborough Beach Swimming Club
- For Social and Jets Fitness Squads, skip to step 4.
- Book An Assessment
All prospective swimmers, except Fitness squads, need to be assessed by one of our coaches. See Booking section above. - Once you have been assessed, our Admin team will contact you to confirm the assessment and whether there are available places in your assessed squad.
- Register online here, then we’ll confirm the enrolment.
Enter contact information as the ‘Customer’, then add each swimmer and enrol in the applicable squad as assessed by the coaching team.
Select all sessions available for that squad, even if you do not intend to attend all sessions. - Join Swimming WA (SWA)
ALL members of SBSC, except Social and Jets Fitness squads, have to be members of SWA. It is a condition of our affiliation that all our members are SWA members and also covers all your insurances whilst participating in club activities.
For Social and Jets Fitness squads, SWA membership is optional depending on whether you wish to compete in pool or open water events.
There are a number of choices for membership, depending on whether members wish to just train, compete at Club Meets or compete in Swimming WA (SWA) meets and Open Water meets.
Full details of the membership categories available can be found here:
Swimming WA Membership Categories
To register with SWA, head to Swim Central (SWA New Registrations) and search for Scarborough Beach Swimming Club.
** Only register with SWA if admin have confirmed that there is an available place in our squad and that you are not on a waiting list, as payment for SWA is made directly to them.
Once you have registered, we will confirm your enrolment and email your invoice.
How To Contact Us
Our Head Coach can be reached at headcoach@sbsc.au.
Our Admin Team can answer all questions relating to your membership, timetable, fees, payments, etc. They can be contact by emailing admin@sbsc.au.
Please check your junk or spam email for any emails from …@sbsc.au. If you find any, please set up the emails as accepted email addresses.
We have a Facebook and Instagram page which you are welcome to “like” and you’ll see what’s happening around the club.
Our new line of SBSC Merchandise can be purchased via our online shop: SBSC Online Shop.
Add your selected items to your cart then check out. You will receive an acknowledgement email confirming we have received your order and will contact you to arrange pickup.
To contact our Merchandising team, email merchandise@sbsc.au.